jueves, 15 de abril de 2010

Spring Break Travel Warning activity by Victor Alfonso

From the 2zootycompplus.blogspot.com Class Blog, here is an activity by Lic. en Zoot.'s Victor Alfonso http://5zootycompplus.blogspot.com/2010/04/spring-break-travel-warning-activity-by.html

Here are some additional questions about the video:

Questions for Mexico Spring Breaking Warning:

News Program.

Listening for details

1. What happened in Juarez, Mexico?

2. What happened in Acapulco?

Listening for specific grammar
3. Passive voice examples heard:

4. What is a drive-by shooting?

5. What is a beheading?

Interpreting visual information

6. What exactly does "$40 Billion Illegal Drugs" represent?

  • and "45,000 Mexican troops"?

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